Thursday, June 30, 2011

Plus c’est la meme chose

Carolyn here:

Thursday, June 23, I was walking my little dog in my backyard when I noticed a roughly circular area next to the back of James' house where the vegetation was dead. Around that circle the vegetation was growing lushly, as if receiving lots of water and natural fertilizer. In the middle there were several wads of wet toilet paper. Steve took this picture and tells me the white blob bottom center is TP:

Note the lush foliage. My brother, the retired lawyer for the Virginia State Water Control Board, tells me the clincher will come when pepper or tomato plants emerge from that miasmatic swamp. But, given the history we don't have to wait for that to have an opinion: Looks like the septic pit has failed. Time for another complaint to the feckless Frotman and to Code nonEnforcement.

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