Sunday, September 25, 2011


John here.

Saturday a group of volunteers(?) showed up and accomplished in a couple of hours what Jake Slater has been (certainly) unwilling and (probably) unable to require in five years:

The toilet and tire are moved to the curb, as are the various piles of trash.  They also mowed the lawn.  If one overlooks the spreading green mold and the flaking paint, 6003 looks almost decent. 

Time will tell whether this has abated  the trash problem or merely moved it out to the street.

Perhaps to remind us what we're dealing with here, Jessica noticed Kate at 6001 painting some furniture in her carport and unleashed a string of F-words at her.  We can report that Jessica is positively inept, compared to her predecessor Judy, whose F-word farragos were audible for blocks.  The range of Jessica's aural assault is measured in mere yards and her compositional range does not extend past the word itself.  Doubtless we'll see whether she can improve with practice.

Aside from the (lack of) paint and the surplus of auditory stimuli, the remaining concerns at 6003 look to center upon the six dogs (in violation of the zoning (see definition of "kennel")), two of whom appear to be pit bulls.  Stay tuned. . .

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