Tuesday, September 29, 2009

P.S. Code Enforcement

Forgot to say that when I talked to Bill at Code Enforcement today and told him how my house could have been burned down he replied  "well if it did, you could start over new and get all new stuff" then he chuckled. I asked "are you kidding"? He said" yeah insurance probably wouldn't cover it" then laughed.

Our house almost burned down today.

 Around 12:45 the fire department had to be called out to 6003 Otis Ave.  One of the neighbors noticed 6003 Otis burning trash in their front yard.  The neighbor looked out of the window and noticed flames rising over a 6ft privacy fence and embers landing on our house.  
   The neighbor confronted the owner of 6003, and he said that they were told by code enforcement that they could burn trash and debris if they were there and kept and eye on it. The fire department came and talked to him, then left.
   The owner was burning a wooden futon frame and a mattress with metal coils, about 8 ft from the neighbors fence.
  At 1:08 pm, I spoke with Kelly at Code enforcement and asked her if burning within city limits is legal and she replied "absolutely not".  I told her that my neighbor was told by Code Enforcement that he could burn and she chuckled, replying "no, you can not burn inside the city of Tampa".
  At 2:08 pm, I spoke with Bill Davidson, the inspector assigned to our area.  I told him that the fire dept had come out and why. I told him that the owner of 6003 was trying to say that Bill gave him the ok to burn, as I didn't want Bill to be blamed for this.

   Bill's response?  "Yes, I told him he could burn trash and debris as long as it is in a pit and controlled".  What?!??  I asked him "Isn't it illegal to burn inside city limits?" to which he replied "no, not if it is small and in a fire pit."

   After this, at 2:18pm, I called the Fire Marshals office and spoke with Fire Fighter Perez, who told me that under no circumstances are you allowed to burn inside the city limits. 

Code Enforcement says you can not burn within the City.  The fire department says you can not burn within the city limits.  Inspector Davidson, sees no reason why you can not???

   I tried to speak with Larry Canalejo, the supervisor at Code Enforcement at 2:33pm, but only got his voicemail. 
 Called Code Enf. again at 3:46 pm, and was told he was in the office, but i got his voicemail again.

 Attached is a picture of the "burn pile" and video showing ash on our back porch and the burn pile.  You can also view it here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgQmHbr-y5I

Friday, September 25, 2009

Hillsborough County Board Of County Commissions

   What some people may not know is that when you use a counter on your blog to track the number of visitors, you can also see the path that got them there which includes ISP's. No names of individuals, just things like Verizon, Road Runner, America Online etc, and the city/state in which the ISP services.   The best part though, is when things like "Hillsborough County Board of Commissioners" comes up as the ISP for the visitor.  

  The most interesting thing is that "Hillsborough County Board of Commissioners" visited the blog numerous times and, as we sent the link to every one of the commissioners, it makes sense that maybe they visited.

  Why then, even if it is a city problem and not a county problem, why have none of them bothered to contact us and let us know they read the blog? Even if it is not their jurisdiction, couldn't they help and pass it on to the right people?  

  Is it just us, or does it seem like here in Tampa, the easy thing for public officials to do is look the other way, or just say "that isn't my responsibility"?  How do these people get elected, and why are they even there if they don't care about their constituents? 

Are we wrong in this thinking? If we are, please, someone, correct this blog and tell us we're not seeing it right.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Because some people have asked, we feel that we have to post this.

Long before ever contacting Code Enforcement, we offered to buy the paint and paint the house for the homeowner. He refused our offer. We also, on numerous occasions, offered to help clean up the yard. Again, the owner refused. We offered to buy the wood he needed to repair his roof. Once again, refusal. There have been many a time when we tried to reach out to help and the offers were refused.
We just felt that people should know that we are not keeping this blog, or acting the way we are out of hatred, nor are we malicious at all. We, as a neighborhood, have tried many times to help the homeowner, and we feel that there is only so much you can do, and so many times you can be refused.
Hopefully this clears up any question anyone may have had about our intentions.

An old neighbor

Last night, after seeing the blog and watching the news story, the estranged wife of the owner of 6003 Otis Ave wrote us two emails.  With her permission, we are posting the first e-mail and non-personal  part of the second.

****** and everyone there,
I am sorry you all have had to endure this.. but you know why I left there now.. He is crazy.. I feared for my life.. I wish you didn't have to go through all this.. but when you are dealing with someone who is unstable you will get all kinds of crazy behavior..
He is a lair and a thief.. he isn't to be believed.. hopefully you will be able to get that house condemed .. Its in alot worse condition then it was when I left there.. At least the roof was still on the porch.. now its a blue tarp.. which he could have repaired with rolled roofing..
God bless you and the neighborhood in your actions..
Bye now your old neighbor,

Email #2

Hopefully they will clean the place up and keep it clean.
******, if he can't keep the utilities on there how is he going to pay the taxes on the property? From what I saw in the pictures, I hate to think what the inside looks like. If the outside is any indication the inside is totally destroyed.
Again hope you get everything resolved there soon.

This may shed a bit more light on the type of people that live at 6003 Otis Ave, and how the conditions there have deteriorated.  The author of the email was a great woman to have as a neighbor and we miss her.  We thank her for her honesty and letting us post her thoughts.

Code Enforcement Update/Small Victory?

This is from an email received about 3pm today.  According to the message, it seems that there are many violations attached to this complaint that came from the department actually coming out and looking at the house. 

Email was directed to:
    *********      (Requestor)

Other Actions:
- Message status changed to Closed

Message: Dear  *******

Thank you for using the City of Tampa Customer Service Center. Action File #09-19830 was created and cited for having accumulations of junk and debris on the property. The next inspection is scheduled for the third week of October. Action File #09-20067 was created and cited for repairs to be performed on the roof, doors, and windows with permits being pulled from Construction Services Center, and only one accessory structure is allowed on the property, the second accessory is to be removed. The next inspection is scheduled for the second week of October.

From this, it seems that they are giving 6003 Otis Ave approximately 30 days to come into compliance on the repairs and about maybe 14 to get the junk cleaned up.  At least now, in writing, they are pointing out that permits must be pulled in order to complete this work.  

The sad part is that it has taken this blog to actually get someone to do something. We have offered to paint their house for them and help clean up the yard, but the owner always refused.  This was our last hope and we will say, however, that it can be done. You just have to make people take notice.

P.S.  So that it is clear to everyone: Code Enforcement is welcome to come onto the surrounding neighbors property ANY time they would like, in order to get a better view of 6003 Otis Ave.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

ABC Action News

Here is a link to the story about our neighborhood that aired on ABC Action News at 6pm this evening. We thank Kerry Kavanaugh for coming out and helping us with our plight. Stay tuned for more!


Hopefully this is just the beginning.

More Neighbors Coming Forward

 This is an excerpt from an email we received earlier today.  It seems there are more of us who are fed up than we first suspected!

   I just today found this blog after wondering about the news van and city code car leaving their house. I completely agree with your sentiments and know that my family has called 911 on them numerous times for public obsenity and suspected domestic violence. It also bothers me that a sheriff lives a few houses away and yet never seems to have a presence in the neighborhood even when there is an issue...

Please, if you live on Otis or near, let us know what you think. Good or bad.

Code Enforcement

    Just wanted to make sure to thank the gentlemen from Code Enforcement for coming out today.  We KNOW they are overwhelmed with complaints everyday.  From talking to these men, it is obvious that they do care about our neighborhoods, just seems that maybe their department is victim to a failed system as well.
    Thank you again for coming out today and helping out the Otis Ave residents!

More Information on the latest

One of the neighbors just emailed this as a follow up to todays early posting.

 About 1:50 pm today, September 21, an unmarked car pulled up at 6003. An officer walked into the house and was back in five minutes with the 14 year old in handcuffs. While police visits have become a common occurrence, this was the first time we saw handcuffs. Five minutes later the cop and the kid were gone.

        Last week the water was turned off at 6003 for nonpayment. Mom was  using a bucket to get water from a neighbors hose to flush the toilets! This was with permission from the neighbor as there are two young children living there. The son's girlfriend left the state with her two children. It is downright under populated at 6003. At one time, there were eleven people living there, five under the age of five.

The News

Just a quick note.  ABC Action News came out and did a story today!  While they were there the Code Enforcement showed up.  Then the neighbors showed up.  Hopefully tonight at 6 you can see what we're dealing with.


Slowly but surely.

  The Otis Blog members met last night and there are a couple developments.  
  First, although it isn't related to the house so much, but the people, around 2pm yesterday, the police showed up and led the teenage boy that lives there out in handcuffs and put into a police car. Some of the neighbors had been wondering about the fact that he was never at school and always home. Although we have no problem with how people live their lives, this may help to show the type of people that allow their living style to encroach into others lives which is where the problem lies.
   Second, late yesterday the case worker, whom we found out hadn't been seen in a few weeks, came by in the evening. She stayed about 10 minutes and was outside talking to the tenants. It isn't much, but it is at least some progress.
   Also, much thanks to TommyOSA.blogpost.com  for blogging about our site and also OSHNA for all their help.  It is not unappreciated! 

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Mayors Office

We sent a message to the Mayors office through the cities website. This is the response that we got.

Thank you for contacting the Mayor's Office through the Customer Service Center. Unfortunately, we are unable to access blogs through the City server. In the meantime, I am forwarding your message to the Code Enforcement Department. Perhaps by looking up 6003 Otis Street information may be obtained about the property.

You may want to contact the Department directly, also using the Customer Service Center.

Karen O'Hair
Mayor's Office

  We may want to contact Code Enforcement directly?  Obviously they have not read the blog at all since receiving the e-mail last Friday and our message stating that "we have contacted Code Enforcement at least 10 times, and the problem has only gotten worse",  must not have been made clear.  

P.S. It's Otis AVE, not street.
  Hopefully you can see now why we had to start to this blog, but is it going to work?


The word has gotten out slowly and a lot of people have seen this blog.  There are some who have seen and it and are starting to try to move it through the proper channels here in the neighborhood and city.  
  The St. Pete Times has contacted us and wants to pursue a  story, hopefully looking into the cities lack of support.
  We truly appreciate everyone who has visited this blog.  Please, pass it along to as many people as you can.  Who knows who may see it and finally be able to help us?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

One day after

One day after this blog went public and the houses in our neighborhood are still standing and haven't been vandalized. It may sound silly, but that was a bit of a concern making this public.
The neighbors call the police when we say hi, imagine what they may do if they ever see this? Over 700 people have been to this blog, so we think if something did happen to our property, the motive would be obvious.
Thank you to everyone who has understood that this blog is a last ditch effort for us to do something. Having gone through all the proper channels, and nothing being done, this is all we could think of to do.
It is possible that this blog is not so much just about this one house on our street, as it is the failed system of the City of Tampa Code Enforcement, Child Protective Services and DCF.

City of Tampa Code Enforcement

For those of yo who are not familiar, this is the process that code violations go thru; this pulled directly from an email i received.

Thank you for using the Customer Service Center. We have logged your request and created Action File #09-*****. The CASE remains OPEN until compliance is achieved, although the Customer Service request will indicate a "closed" status.

Our internal procedures are as follows:

1. The property owner is cited
2. A Notice of Violation is sent
3. Re-inspections scheduled about 14 days after the initial violation is cited
4. Next Steps
.... Violation is corrected – action file is closed
.... Violation continues to exist – 2nd Notice of Violation is sent via Certified Mail
5. Final Follow-up: Re-inspection scheduled about 21 days after 2nd notification
.... Violation is corrected – action file is closed
.... Violation still exists – property owner summoned to appear before Code Board
…. Fines are imposed as required

If additional information is required, contact us at www.tampagov.net, Customer Service Center, or call the Customer Service Department at 813-274-5545.

Keep in mind that this is probably the 4th complaint that I alone have sent, and this one included pictures. It has only gotten worse at their house, so what happened to steps 4b and beyond?

So far

Thank you to everyone who made the first day of this blog successful. There were over 700 unique visits and we were contacted by The St. Pete Times who want to pursue the story. Please keep this circulating and perhaps we can all help fix the broken system that is The City of Tampa and the Depart of Children and Families.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Please read this!

  This blog is about the people living at 6003 Otis Ave in Tampa, Fl.   Just about a year ago, my neighbor moved a homeless woman into his house so she could get her kids back from the state.  Somehow or another she got the two girls, both under 5, back into her custody.  Along with these two girls came a 14 year old son and a 20 something son.  Also with them came another girl with two kids of her own, one about 4 years and the other an infant, both fathered by the older son.  
  Since this time various other people have come and gone, lived in cars and tents in the front yard, woken neighbors at 3 or 4 in the morning from screaming at each other and from running a generator when the power was shut off.  The woman stands on her porch or in the yard and screams obscenities at the children such as "get your f'ing ass in the house" and another favorite of hers, "shut the F*** up" and "I'm gonna beat your ass if you don't get back in the house".  The children go out into the yard alone all the time as the screen door is ripped.  They also get hurt falling down the stairs the lead to the second floor.  The only stairs to the second floor are outside.  Also, most of the plumbing and electric of this house was done by the owner, with no permits and no experience.

  The whole neighbor hood has called the police numerous times, as have the neighbors on themselves. We've left countless unanswered voice mails for Hillsborough County Child Protective Services. As a whole the neighborhood as probably sent 10 complaints to the Code Enforcement Department, all of which have gone unanswered. Also, a "Case Worker" comes twice a week to check on the children and sees no problem with them living here.

  We, as a whole, are tired of having to live next to trash like this, in it's truest form, trash.  It makes our own homes look terrible, it brings down values, it is offensive and they are making our lives worse by ruining sleep, not allowing us to enjoy our own yards, and at times, having to hear them screaming obscenities from right in our own living rooms.

  As you can see, it has only gotten worse and the city of Tampa will do nothing, the police will do nothing and DCF will do nothing.  Please, if you know of anyway the neighborhood of Otis Ave can be helped, please let us know.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sept 17 2009 part 1

Today I found out that the water at 6003 Otis has been shut off. There are 4 adults, 1 teenager and 4 children under the age of five living in this house. This morning the teenage boy was outside piling up junk into the side yard. Here are pictures all from today.

After numerous reports to the Code Enforcement Dept. they still will do nothing about it.

August 3 2009

This is some of the trash that they let sit at the roadside for at least a month. The TV was out there for the better part of two months.

July 9 2009

Things have gotten a bit worse and at this point there is a teenager sleeping in a tent in the front yard.

June 6 2009

 This is the first time the neighbor started telling people he paid to have the paperwork drawn up to evict everyone, and it would be 30 days. 

May 30 2009

This the first picture of the backyard when they started leaving stuff all around.

May 27th 09

These are some of the first pictures I began taking of the yard.