Wednesday, September 23, 2009

An old neighbor

Last night, after seeing the blog and watching the news story, the estranged wife of the owner of 6003 Otis Ave wrote us two emails.  With her permission, we are posting the first e-mail and non-personal  part of the second.

****** and everyone there,
I am sorry you all have had to endure this.. but you know why I left there now.. He is crazy.. I feared for my life.. I wish you didn't have to go through all this.. but when you are dealing with someone who is unstable you will get all kinds of crazy behavior..
He is a lair and a thief.. he isn't to be believed.. hopefully you will be able to get that house condemed .. Its in alot worse condition then it was when I left there.. At least the roof was still on the porch.. now its a blue tarp.. which he could have repaired with rolled roofing..
God bless you and the neighborhood in your actions..
Bye now your old neighbor,

Email #2

Hopefully they will clean the place up and keep it clean.
******, if he can't keep the utilities on there how is he going to pay the taxes on the property? From what I saw in the pictures, I hate to think what the inside looks like. If the outside is any indication the inside is totally destroyed.
Again hope you get everything resolved there soon.

This may shed a bit more light on the type of people that live at 6003 Otis Ave, and how the conditions there have deteriorated.  The author of the email was a great woman to have as a neighbor and we miss her.  We thank her for her honesty and letting us post her thoughts.

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