Monday, September 21, 2009

The Mayors Office

We sent a message to the Mayors office through the cities website. This is the response that we got.

Thank you for contacting the Mayor's Office through the Customer Service Center. Unfortunately, we are unable to access blogs through the City server. In the meantime, I am forwarding your message to the Code Enforcement Department. Perhaps by looking up 6003 Otis Street information may be obtained about the property.

You may want to contact the Department directly, also using the Customer Service Center.

Karen O'Hair
Mayor's Office

  We may want to contact Code Enforcement directly?  Obviously they have not read the blog at all since receiving the e-mail last Friday and our message stating that "we have contacted Code Enforcement at least 10 times, and the problem has only gotten worse",  must not have been made clear.  

P.S. It's Otis AVE, not street.
  Hopefully you can see now why we had to start to this blog, but is it going to work?

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