Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Our house almost burned down today.

 Around 12:45 the fire department had to be called out to 6003 Otis Ave.  One of the neighbors noticed 6003 Otis burning trash in their front yard.  The neighbor looked out of the window and noticed flames rising over a 6ft privacy fence and embers landing on our house.  
   The neighbor confronted the owner of 6003, and he said that they were told by code enforcement that they could burn trash and debris if they were there and kept and eye on it. The fire department came and talked to him, then left.
   The owner was burning a wooden futon frame and a mattress with metal coils, about 8 ft from the neighbors fence.
  At 1:08 pm, I spoke with Kelly at Code enforcement and asked her if burning within city limits is legal and she replied "absolutely not".  I told her that my neighbor was told by Code Enforcement that he could burn and she chuckled, replying "no, you can not burn inside the city of Tampa".
  At 2:08 pm, I spoke with Bill Davidson, the inspector assigned to our area.  I told him that the fire dept had come out and why. I told him that the owner of 6003 was trying to say that Bill gave him the ok to burn, as I didn't want Bill to be blamed for this.

   Bill's response?  "Yes, I told him he could burn trash and debris as long as it is in a pit and controlled".  What?!??  I asked him "Isn't it illegal to burn inside city limits?" to which he replied "no, not if it is small and in a fire pit."

   After this, at 2:18pm, I called the Fire Marshals office and spoke with Fire Fighter Perez, who told me that under no circumstances are you allowed to burn inside the city limits. 

Code Enforcement says you can not burn within the City.  The fire department says you can not burn within the city limits.  Inspector Davidson, sees no reason why you can not???

   I tried to speak with Larry Canalejo, the supervisor at Code Enforcement at 2:33pm, but only got his voicemail. 
 Called Code Enf. again at 3:46 pm, and was told he was in the office, but i got his voicemail again.

 Attached is a picture of the "burn pile" and video showing ash on our back porch and the burn pile.  You can also view it here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgQmHbr-y5I

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