Friday, September 18, 2009

Please read this!

  This blog is about the people living at 6003 Otis Ave in Tampa, Fl.   Just about a year ago, my neighbor moved a homeless woman into his house so she could get her kids back from the state.  Somehow or another she got the two girls, both under 5, back into her custody.  Along with these two girls came a 14 year old son and a 20 something son.  Also with them came another girl with two kids of her own, one about 4 years and the other an infant, both fathered by the older son.  
  Since this time various other people have come and gone, lived in cars and tents in the front yard, woken neighbors at 3 or 4 in the morning from screaming at each other and from running a generator when the power was shut off.  The woman stands on her porch or in the yard and screams obscenities at the children such as "get your f'ing ass in the house" and another favorite of hers, "shut the F*** up" and "I'm gonna beat your ass if you don't get back in the house".  The children go out into the yard alone all the time as the screen door is ripped.  They also get hurt falling down the stairs the lead to the second floor.  The only stairs to the second floor are outside.  Also, most of the plumbing and electric of this house was done by the owner, with no permits and no experience.

  The whole neighbor hood has called the police numerous times, as have the neighbors on themselves. We've left countless unanswered voice mails for Hillsborough County Child Protective Services. As a whole the neighborhood as probably sent 10 complaints to the Code Enforcement Department, all of which have gone unanswered. Also, a "Case Worker" comes twice a week to check on the children and sees no problem with them living here.

  We, as a whole, are tired of having to live next to trash like this, in it's truest form, trash.  It makes our own homes look terrible, it brings down values, it is offensive and they are making our lives worse by ruining sleep, not allowing us to enjoy our own yards, and at times, having to hear them screaming obscenities from right in our own living rooms.

  As you can see, it has only gotten worse and the city of Tampa will do nothing, the police will do nothing and DCF will do nothing.  Please, if you know of anyway the neighborhood of Otis Ave can be helped, please let us know.


Brencf said...

I'm glad that someone on Otis ave has compassion for the homeless.

The Otis Neighborhood said...

You're right, we do care. We care about the home-full as well. Thats why offered to buy the paint and paint their house and also to help clean up the yard multiple times. Thank you for your support.

Patrick said...

Compassion for the homeless should not include turning a blind eye to that kind of behavior, Greek Reader. These people have taken advantage of others' kindness and support.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I appreciate your blog. I have the same type of issue in South Tampa. Known drug dealers, prostitutes, a "house full". The owner is an old lady and takes in anyone and everyone. The daugters kids have been found wandering the streets at 2am (they are 2 and 3). There is no air conditioning in the home except window units. The yard is full of trash including the people that sit out there. Code enforcement has been contacted time after time and nothing is ever done. They are cited, correct the problem and it reverts right back to as it was before. I put 100 percent of the blame on the weakness of the City of Tampa. Let give these type of people an ultimatum. Clean up or get out!! If you are cited more than once a process will start to condemn your property. For someone like Pam Iorio who is all about cleaning up the city she is failing in this instance. I have had many run-ins with these neighbors as have you. They have a pit bull that runs free. I let them know that if I ever find that dog on my property it will be shot. My 12 month old is more importnant than that dog. Sorry PETA! I will shoot the dog!

ManOnTheRun said...

I also appreciate your blog and I live just about 2 blocks from you and have the same problem with my neighbor at 5908 Ithmar Avenue. Its tough because they are renters, but i have had to call the fire folks on them a few months ago because they always burn debris, the back yard is just filled with junk, they have 3 or 4 dogs that they take really bad care of and leave outside most of the day no matter what the weather is. These dogs arent on leashes and agressively chase anypne who walks in front of the house, including moms with strollers. I have filed complaints everywhere and nothing has happened. Im actually frightened of them...some of them have police records, with violent crimes and they have guests that come over and smoke pot in their car right out front of the house.

Its nice to see things moving along for you and I hope the blog you created helps you get the situation fixed. Who knows, maybe I'll start my own blog!

Green Eyed Lady (aka GEL) said...

You have my sympathy. I wonder if it would make you feel any better to know that I live in a gated community, pay HOA fees, signed a contract to abide by deed restrictions and NO ONE does anything to enforce the restrictions. I can never call the police because supposedly I live in a private development and this is out of their jurisdiction. It's just outrageous what people get away and even more outrageous that there is NO ONE who will help you.